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LocalFish Chef's Choice Sauce

LocalFish Chef's Choice Sauce

Regular price CHF 3.50
Regular price Sale price CHF 3.50
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Local Fish Crispy Sauce – Chefs Choice Recipe – 120gr

✔️ The optimal taste harmony for your crispy treats

✔️In-house recipe

✔️ Sauce for everyone - one pack is enough for 400g of crispy

✔️ Lasts for 14 days in the refrigerator

✔️ Fresh products

✔️ Manufacture quality

✔️ Local | Sustainable | Delicious

  • Free delivery from 69€
  • Freshness Guaranteed
15 Mar. Estimated arrival
12 Mar. Order placed
13-14 Mar. Order dispatches
15 Mar. Delivered!

product details

LocalFish Chef's Choice Sauce – The perfect accompaniment to LocalFish Knusperli

Give your crispy treats that special something with ourLocalFish Chef's Choice SauceCarefully developed in manufacturer quality according to our own recipe, it combines regional ingredients with a finely balanced seasoning that goes perfectly with our perch and catfish crisps.

Creamy, aromatic and popular with young and old alike – the ideal sauce to make every fish moment a real pleasure.

Ingredients list:Mayonnaise, cream, horseradish, beetroot, garlic, salt, pepper

Origin:Switzerland / Rafz

freshness and storage

🧊 Nach dem Öffnen: Unsere Saucen bleiben bis zu 14 Tage im Kühlschrank frisch – nach dem Öffnen bitte innerhalb von 7 Tagen verbrauchen.

shipping and delivery

📅Delivery: Tuesday to Friday with Swiss Post directly to you.

❄️Kühl & Frisch: Above48 hoursguaranteed fresh and cool thanks to sustainable packaging.

🧊After opening: Our sauces stay fresh until2 weeksfresh in your fridge.

❄️Frisch statt TK: Our sauces always come to you fresh and chilled – for the perfect taste. Without any time-consuming defrosting.

🌱Sustainable packaging: Environmentally friendly and resource-saving.

  • (You can find more information about packaging at the end of this page)


Reiss die Verpackung auf und geniesse den Genussmoment!

Tipp: Serviere die Knusperli zusammen mit verschiedenen Saucen zum Apéro – so kannst du deinen Gästen die Vielfalt und den Geschmack auf eine ganz besondere Weise näherbringen.

Certification and Sustainability

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Free Shipping

Starting from 69 € order value

Sustainable packaging

No unnecessary plastic

Supporting a young team

And achieve great things together

Fresh, fast, sustainable – your order will arrive safely.

Thanks to sustainable insulated packaging, we guarantee the best freshness with fast delivery.

Optimal freshness

Our products are processed to order. This means we can guarantee unprecedented freshness. We only harvest what is ordered. After processing, the products are shipped within hours so that we can offer customers really fresh products. Catch of the day - fresher than in any port.

98% recycled material

resource conservation

With an average of just 150 g of material per insulated packaging, the insulated bags have by far the lowest resource consumption. By comparison: packaging made of straw, jute or paper weighs well over 2 kg. This efficiency ensures very low energy consumption in production.


The insulated bags are also made from 98% recycled and pure plastics. By using recycled materials, we promote the circular economy and reduce CO2 emissions in raw material extraction and production by over 80%.

Optimally cooled for up to 48 hours

Our products are carefully packaged by hand immediately after processing and then cooled on site until dispatch. This allows us to guarantee optimal deliveries.