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About Us

A local solution to a global problem

The world population is growing and eating habits are changing. New niches are emerging everywhere, but high-quality products are increasingly being lost. This is where we come in and help to make them available again in a sustainable and long-term way. We therefore offer alternatives so that the end customer has a choice again.

People should no longer have to rely solely on imports, but should also be able to enjoy local and sustainable products and thus protect the environment.

Werde ein Teil der Lösung

Investiere mit Real Impact in die Zukunft

92,3 Millionen Tonnen Fisch werden jährlich gefangen, was zu einer Erschöpfung der Ozeane und zur Zerstörung der Ökosysteme führt. Traditionelle Aquakulturen produzieren 130 Millionen Tonnen, belasten jedoch die Umwelt durch schädliche Praktiken. Aktuelle Lösungen bieten oft eine gefährliche Skalierbarkeit, lokale Produktion oder umfassende Nachhaltigkeit. Die globalen Probleme scheinen unüberwindbar. Dokumentationen darüber gibt es zuhauf und wir nehmen das ernst. Wir zeigen, dass es Lösungen gibt, um die Nahrungsmittelversorgung mit gutem Gewissen zu gewährleisten.

Now Wels from Switzerland -

Local sensation... The first catfish from Switzerland

We want regional products and can therefore do without the "imported brother" (Pangasius). There is Swiss catfish from the region here.

Eat Localfish -

European champion chef Gabriel Heintjes recommends

"I want to know the origin and production of fish as well as vegetables, meat, etc. This was not possible until now. With Localfish I have a partner who makes this possible and I can even choose and pick up my fish myself. My customers appreciate this history and freshness and I can stand behind it 100%."

Delicacies from Gabriel Heintjes with our products -

Local enjoyment of the highest class

Figures about our unique history
We produce a lot with little and protect people, animals and the environment
99.5 % water consumption We conserve our resources and reuse an incredible 99.5% of our water. That equates to saving several million liters per year.
18,000 tons CO2 savings By using local products we are not only doing something good for our taste but also for the environment. Our fish are among the 3% that are caught in Switzerland.
0.0% Antibiotics We do not use additives Our water is cleaned naturally and without any additives. Healthy fish do not need antibiotics
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Only 3% of the fish consumed is caught in Switzerland

25 KM Locally produced on your doorstep By moving production closer to home, the supply chain is shortened and transport routes and food waste are drastically reduced. Our products therefore require much less energy and significantly reduce the CO2 balance.
9500 KM Produced in distant countries The long transport routes cause massive environmental damage. In addition, these transports require a lot of energy to ensure that the product is delivered relatively "fresh". In comparison, the products are not fresh; in some cases they have been on the ship for months.
25 KM Locally produced on your doorstep By moving production closer to home, the supply chain is shortened and transport routes and food waste are drastically reduced. Our products therefore require much less energy and significantly reduce the CO2 balance.
9500 KM Produced in distant countries The long transport routes cause massive environmental damage. In addition, these transports require a lot of energy to ensure that the product is delivered relatively "fresh". In comparison, the products are not fresh; in some cases they have been on the ship for months.